Revising the Waste Framework Directive, ECHA is building a database of articles and complex objects that contain Substances of Very High Concerns (SVHC) greater than 0.1% w/w. The aiming is to support the circular economy to provide communications on those articles and products through the supply chain.

In compliance with ECHA regulations, MEC has always worked with its suppliers to identify any article/product containing Substances of Very High Concerns (SVHC) greater than 0.1% w/w aiming to promptly inform you about this cases.

Considering that MEC is solely a distributor and not a manufacturer, we do not have direct knowledge of the composition of the components and of the substances used during the manufacturing process.
In the light of that, MEC has already solicited its suppliers to follow the process of data communication required by SCIP even if, considering the ever-changing SCIP declarations and ongoing discussion about possible simplifications for the notification process, we cannot provide details about the implementation.

Anyway, we want to assure you that we will share all the information that our Suppliers will provide to us on this argument.

Additional information about SCIP database can be found here:

MEC remains at your complete disposal for any further information or need assistance, through your normal sales contact.

Download MEC notification to Customers about SCIP (ECHA)